A downloadable PyEmbelem for Windows
PyEmbelem is a fun medieval themed game where the player is a shapeshifter and must fight off enemies from 2 types of terrain, The forest and the desert!
Incorporation of theme:
The player can shapeshift or change there SCALE, each SCALE comes with different abilities and weapons!
Key Bindings:
Q to move (choose path by clicking)
Press C to open SCALE selection Menu, use arrow keys to select SCALE, once done, press the enter key
TAB for opening the map
press 1 or 2o to select your location on the map, once done, press enter and then escape to exit the map view
F to challenge and fight an enemy (if in range)
Y to equip items (if in range)
Press the up arrow key to change your weapon (if equipped) before battle
Press Up arrow key to change your attack during battle
Press ENTER to attack
This Game Was made possible by our great team:
Concept Artist : Viola Rose
Pixel artists : Shafard , ChiptuneKirby and Trashbot
Programmers : CodeGuy (discord-sanddukeman) , Yak Attack and l0stN1rvana
Sound design + Game designer : LivinTheDream
A big shoutout to all of them who helped us in this project!
Credits :
Forest tileset : https://craftpix.net/product/grassland-top-down-tileset-pixel-art/
Desert Tileset : https://beyonderboy.itch.io/desert-map-tileset-16x16
Install instructions
Download and unzip the PyEmbelem.zip folder
Open the folder and run the PyEmbelem.exe file
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